We learned in our early years that Superman never gave up, even with kryptonite in hand. We may not have super hero strength, but we Americans must find our will.
Our strength and our sense of American pride has been damaged by recent developments within the confines of corporate greed and agricultural terrorism. Corporate America has commercialized our lives, contaminated our food supply and sold us a new way of thinking, consuming, behaving and living.
Mindless consumption habits have established themselves so deeply that they are rooted in the modern American psyche.
We’ve become a society of blind consumers who are perpetually victimized by propaganda in service of the master manipulator chasing the corporate buck . We have been manipulated into accepting false food products cloaked in a nutritional façade and rolled in sugar.
An incredible act of greed and deception has been committed against the will and liberty of the people. Outside the bio-tech circle, many Americans are still under the false assumption that they are consuming the same foods they grew up with.
Bio-techies have made a presumptuous and devastating decision for all of us and we will all pay the price, as will all infinitive future generations. For they know very well, he who controls the food controls the world.
We, being the collective unit of this country, are malnourished in the sense that we have been ingesting that which is devoid of value and nutrition. One in three children are now obese, not because we’re over feeding them, quite the contrary we are under feeding them. They are suffering from malnutrition because the food supply is void of valuable sustenance.
It has been determined, based on the health of our newest generations, that they will suffer significant decrease in their life span. For the first time in history, by and large, parents will see their children die from malnutrition related diseases before the child reaches middle age.
Unlabeled transgenic food has been infiltrated into our diet without our knowledge or consent. This is the first generation that has been primarily GMO raised. Nearly 80-percent of industrial food products contain GMO ingredients.
Our children are being fed without question of corporate intent or consequences. Malnutrition is the direct result of corporate greed and mindless mass consumption.
Our soil is toxic and stripped of nutrients. Our honey bees are near extinction and our leaders continue to choose profits over life. We have been robbed and mislead; still there are large proportions of society that remain totally unaware of the vast agricultural devastation we are experiencing as we sit on the sidelines as corporate slaves.
What you consume physically, mentally and spiritually manifests itself. The health of our being is greatly dependent on what we take in from the environment and how we digest. This is our process, our development and our manifestation.
An incredible act of bravery and mass recognition has to arise in order to overcome what seems inevitable. It has become a serious matter of self preservation as we teeter on the verge of a mighty breakdown within the self serving confines of consumer protections and public health. Wake up and smell the kryptonite there Superman! The world is starving!