We find ourselves at a particular juncture, a fork in the road, where history allows us a perfect opportunity to benefit from 20/20 hindsight without the detriment of looking back 15 years down the road to an inevitable agricultural devastation.
In our recent past, many of those opportune moments have remained un-seized as proud and arrogant leaders forged ahead without the sense God gave a rock. That hindsight is notably present at this point in history and commands our attention to call it by its given name, be it common sense.
It is high time that we give the foolish and dim-witted bio-techies a taste of their own poison. It is time that we refuse to feed toxic chemicals to our children. It is time that we stop contaminating our food, our earth and our children.
Our farmers have been bullied and hushed into a corner with GMO subsidies while corporations and regulatory agencies have turned a blind eye for a whole lotta cash. They relieved themselves of any culpability when they gave corporations rights exceeding those of every American.
It is an inexcusable travesty of justice when the interests of corporate dollars are valued over the life of even one child, much less that of a nation and the entire world. Where does man fail, but when he does not heed the call of innocents, but instead perpetuates the suffering of generations? For the love of money shall not endure your soul dear sirs!!
Round up your followers and call your nation into resistance, like that of their weeds that do not die! Our food, our lives, our future and our sustainability as a human race depends on this moment in time and the clarity of your voice. It is time to be heard!
It is time to withhold your power and recall your dollar in reclamation of your humanity! Hear the call oh sensibility! Be it that these are the days of darkness and we have been bestowed silos of rubble upon our Amber Waves of Grain; we have been fed an army of insignificant and hollow promises in the name of sustenance! Take back and reclaim your land of freedom and fruitful liberty! Escape your board of strapless bondage and forego the voices of yourselves as you peer later upon what you choose to ignore now.
They have genetically altered nearly every seed, telling you it’s the same as grandma used to make, yet they have not produced any significant scientific guarantees of our safety, nor that of our agricultural heritage.
Is it sensible in any definition to manipulate and rearrange the very cells and genetic codes of our existence, in violation of every process of which life depends? All intelligent beings know clearly that every living cell of this planet is interconnected with every level of our existence. You don’t have to be a brilliant scientist to catch on to that.
Please for a moment, if you would, imagine our forefathers, your grandfathers, and their grandfathers… all here now, knowing that we’ve allowed massive manipulation to the very structure of life? Mix it up with the genetic existence of other kingdoms and life forms, add large amounts of toxic poisons and feed it to the entire world. What do you think they would say?
They didn’t have all of the propaganda feeding them incessantly through every orifice of their body. They didn’t have the barrage of voices telling them what to think, what to eat and whom to be. They sowed their seeds by the blood of their brows. They worked harder on the backs of our American Dream than anyone cares to imagine! They cared about their communities, died for their land and our freedom. We may have come a long way since then, but we certainly have forgotten some valuable lessons of the past, as far as our future is concerned.
Hear the cries of your forefathers and future generations of our children! It is we, it is now. It is life altered on every level of humanity and existence. If we allow them to carry forth their genetic revolution unquestioned and unexamined we will reap what we sow and it will become our destiny, as we have allowed it to come forth and devour our children.
A corporation has no need for sleep, it does not lie idly awake nights thinking of its carnage. It is only the life of which we have given it claim. It is we that must deny it life and refuse its poisonous seed. Take back your father’s land and sow the seed of your grandfather’s hand and we shall all reap what we sow!!
A grass roots effort must begin in our home towns and communities to overcome complete genetic alteration. We must reestablish a local connection to our food supply. With deregulation of GE Alfalfa, we have very little time to regain our footing before conventional and organic crops are contaminated and ultimately extinct. With the swiftness of wind and wildlife, our agricultural heritage will be quickly depleted along with our choice for anything pure or pesticide free.
“One week before Roundup Ready alfalfa was deregulated, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack testified before the House Committee on Agriculture, where Chairmen Frank Lucas (R-Oklahoma) led a charge to press the USDA to fully deregulate the alfalfa. A political action committee and individuals associated with Monsanto donated $11,000 to Lucas' campaign last year, and Lucas has received $1,247,844 from the agribusiness industry during his political career, according to watchdog site www.opensecrets.org. Since 1999, the top 50 companies holding agricultural or food patents have spent more than $572 million in campaign contributions and lobbying efforts, according to a report released last year.”[1]
The Center for Food Safety needs your support and attention to this very important matter of national food security. http://www.centerforfoodsafety.org/
Please contact your legislators and let them know you will not vote along GMO party lines!
Thank you for all of your efforts and courage!
Non-GMO Shopping Guide Non-GMO Shopping Guide
1. Why Monsanto always wins – Truth-out http://www.truth-out.org/why-monsanto-always-wins67976
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